Where can I weigh my skoolie motorhome quickly?

You can weigh your skoolie easily at most commercial gas stations, like Flying Js, along the interstates in commercial vehicle weigh stations and CAT Scale locations. Knowing where to go to weigh your school bus conversion is important for registration purposes and before driving through some states or districts.

Where can I weigh my skoolie motorhome?

Commercial Gas Stations

Some gas stations that cater to big trucks like Flying Js offer scales so big rigs can check their weigh on each axle. You simply pull up, make sure your front and back tires are on the scales and basically push the call button. They may also ask for a bus or rig number, so make one up if you don’t have one! We use our old bus number (415) for fun. After that, you pull off the scales and park, then go inside to pay. 

Interstate Weigh Stations

There are department of transportation (DOT) weigh stations on the side of the interstates. These are designed for truckers going through. We were told not to mess with those because they are for commercial use and not really for personal use; however, they are readily available.

CAT Scale

CAT Scale is a business specializing in scales for weighing commercial vehicles and there are over 2,075 available in the USA. CAT Scale stands for Commercial Automated Truck Scale, and they are the top professional weigh scale in the country.

Locate a CAT Scale

How much does it cost to weigh a skoolie?

The cost is about $20 to weigh a skoolie at a commercial gas station or interstate weigh station.

How much does a 40 foot school bus conversion weigh?

Our skoolie is 37 feet long and weighs roughly 24,000 pounds. We have 6 solar panels, LP gas, full-size fridge, oven, A/C and carry up to 200 pounds of water (gray & fresh).

Why should you weigh your skoolie?

You may need to weigh your skoolie in order to register and title it as a motorhome in your state, to know how much it weighs after the school bus conversion is complete, and to comply with road, bridge and interstate rules in some states.

Read this blog if you need to weigh your skoolie for the purposes of registering it in the state of Florida. It takes a deep dive on how to register and title your skoolie as a motorhome in Florida.


This blog describes how to weigh your skoolie easily at most commercial gas stations, like Flying Js, along the interstates in commercial vehicle weigh stations, and nearby CAT Scale locations, and how much it costs to do so.

Thanks for following our journey. – Ingrid & the HildeFam


Swedish-American mom, wife, travel vlogger & property manager. I like drawing on my iPad at cafes when I have a moment alone, and the idea of hiking and nordic skiing!

Articles: 240

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