CANADA SNOW Noel Kängor Broddar Review
When I first moved to Sweden, I struggled finding boots that kept my feet warm and from slipping on icy terrain. If you’re new to living in a cold winter climate like I was, then you quickly realize that the icy streets and frozen, wet toes will quickly ruin your experience here. Having lived in a tropical climate my entire life, I didn’t know where to begin my search and if I was buying a quality winter boot – these boots usually cost well over $200 in stores! Thankfully, after living in Sweden for two years, I can confidently say that I have found my favorite everyday winter boots that keep my tootsies warm, offer excellent grip with integrated ice cleats, and look stylish.
The CANADA SNOW Noel Kängor Broddar is my top choice for everyday winter boots. After two winter seasons, I am incredibly satisfied with the overall quality of the boot, especially the exterior body and the soles. The soles are the most intriguing part of the boot because they offer an unique feature: reversible ice spikes. These are the shoes to buy if you want extra security against slipping in icy conditions without having to carry around aftermarket ice cleats. To activate the cleats, you simply use a special included key to flip them over on the soles of your shoes. When they’re no longer needed, simply flip them back to the smooth side.
What’s to Like
- Smooth leather finish
- Easy to clean
- Stylish combat boot look
- Integrated, reversible ice grips
- Quality built insulated boot
- Excellent traction
What’s Not to Like
- The shoes perform best in temperatures warmer than -15 celsius
- Stones easily get wedged in the soles
- High price

I love these boots with the integrated cleats and wear them daily during the winter season. I find they are best suited to 0 C to -20 C.
- Integrated, reversible ice cleats
- Easy-to-clean leather
- Stylish
- High price
FAQ about CANADA SNOW Noel Kängor Broddar
Where can you purchase the CANADA SNOW Noel Kängor Broddar?
If you’re in Sweden, you can find the Canada Snow line at Scorett stores. If you’re outside of Sweden, you can order directly from the brand’s website.
What if something breaks on the boot?
I actually experienced one of the cleats breaking in 2023 and then a zipper on the side broke in 2024. In both cases, I took them back to the store I purchased them (Scorett in Sweden) and both repairs were made free of charge to me, and it only took a couple of days for the shoemaker to do the work. If you’re outside of Sweden and don’t have this service, check with the brand or store that you purchased the boots from to see what options are available to you.
Conclusion to the CANADA SNOW Noel Kängor Broddar
The CANADA SNOW Noel Kängor Broddar is and continues to be my top choice for everyday winter boots. This is my honest and unpaid review – I really like the boots! Let me know in the comments if you have bought these boots.
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